Day 1 — Big O Notation explained: Understanding algorithm complexity

Discover why this seemingly cryptic concept is an absolute must for any coder.

5 min readSep 29, 2023
Big O Notion by author

When embarking on the journey of computer science, one cannot overlook the significance of Big O Notation. This mathematical model, often seen as a cryptic labyrinth to beginners, is a cornerstone in understanding algorithmic complexity. Why does it matter, you may ask? Well, in the realm of coding and programming, efficiency is paramount. The quicker and smoother an algorithm performs, the better. And that’s where Big O Notation steps in. It provides a framework to gauge the performance of an algorithm as its input size increases. So, if you’re looking to master the art of efficient programming, a solid understanding of Big O Notation is an absolute must.




CTO | Full Stack Developer | UX/UI enthusiast. I like personal finance, build saas and personal products. My goal is financial independence